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Development Consulting Services that suit your needs


Tackling the world’s sustainable development goals (SDG) will require publicly funded and private sector banks and institutions to be far more willing to join forces to provide “blended” finance to projects. Yet, we are currently only meeting around half of the SDG funding requirements. There is a multi-trillion-dollar gap every year which the public sector cannot fill by itself.   Blended finance simply encourages more private sector investment by being strategic with the money already at work from official development assistance and philanthropic sources. Blended finance transactions combine funding from development institutions, philanthropic entities, and profit-seeking investors and put that capital to work in a way that is aligned with the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).


Our technical assistance in this domain – developing funding structures to support venture and small enterprise growth – may include for example forming new angel investor networks or cash flow based financial products for banks. AniCap also provides assistance to governments, donors or development financial institutions that wish to introduce subsidy, guarantee or private equity programs to improve entrepreneur or SME access to business development services, training or bank and growth financing. 


And most important, we aim to create incentives to crowd in private investors and financial institutions.


In many instances, small and medium enterprises lack access to the wide range of competitively priced services which are targeted to their business needs. SMEs also generally lack the sophistication and know-how to select and engage business service providers, let alone assess which area of their business requires the most attention. They usually do not realize that they need a combination of support including accessing managerial and technical advisory services, finance, technology, and HR.


AniCap Venture Partners can be engaged to design and establish small enterprise support platforms to attend to these gaps, such as by establishing incubation platforms for entrepreneurs or new cluster development strategies for small and medium enterprises that improve their access to new capacity, markets and finance. Mentorship is built in wherever possible to improve results. 


Anicap aims to design pooled resources to ensure better coordination and efficiency improvements of SME interventions – thereby allowing for more cost-effective impact for program sponsors. We develop integrated solutions that combines access to finance with value-added business development services.


Empowerment initiatives refers to measures designed to increase the degree of autonomy and self-determination in people and in communities in order to enable them to represent their interests in a responsible and self-determined way, acting on their own authority.  It is the process of becoming stronger and more confident, especially in controlling one's life and claiming one's rights. Empowerment as action refers both to the process of self-empowerment and to professional support of people, which enables them to overcome their sense of powerlessness and lack of influence, and to recognize and use their resources. To do work with power. 


AniCap’s blended finance and business support service platforms often take on a more targeted approach to serve such underserved people. Whether attending to disadvantaged black populations in Africa, or women in Central Europe, or Youth in MENA’s Arab countries, our solutions can be tailored to improve economic empowerment outcomes.

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